Industry News

Introduction to food packaging

Industry News Introduction to food packaging Food Packaging is an integral part of food commodities. One of the main projects in the food industry process. It protects food and prevents damage from biological, chemical, and physical external factors when the food leaves the factory to the consumer. It also has

Main functions of food packaging

Industry News Main functions of food packaging Food packaging is an integral part of food commodities. Food packaging  and Food packaging boxes protect food, so that it prevents biological, chemical, and physical damage from external factors when the food leaves the factory to the consumer. It can also have the function of

Good prospects for the automatic packaging machine industry

Industry News Good prospects for the automatic packaging machine industry China’s packaging special equipment industry has achieved good performance in recent years. After decades of development and changes, packaging special equipment has entered a new period of industrial upgrading and transformation. In recent years, with the improvement of residents’ consumption levels,

Analysis of pharmaceutical packaging market scale

Industry News Analysis of pharmaceutical packaging market scale Pharmaceutical packaging is an important part of the pharmaceutical industry. Packaging materials and containers that directly contact drugs are the basic elements of drugs, which have an important impact on drug quality and drug safety. Pharmaceutical packaging refers to the general name